InterGlobe Aviation, popularly known as owners of Indigo Airlines, brings in Vyrus, Hollister custombikes and Grinnall trikes to India
InterGlobe General Aviation transfigured its identity as InterGlobe Established Products PrivateLimited – THE ESTD and has brought a bunch of luxury and lifestyle products for the growingpopulation of high net worth individuals (HNIs) in India. The portfolio includes Italy based Vyrusbikes, Germany based Hollister Custom Motorcycles and U.K. based Grinnall. Nigel Harwood,President and CEO, THE ESTD, informed that he wishes to cater to the growing number of youngHNIs in India who seek thrill and adventure by representing a number of global luxury productmanufacturers in the country. Commenting on the arrival of Hollister bikes in the country, Harwoodannouced that its time for the current Harley Davidson bike owners in India to switch over to evenheavier Hollister custom motorcycles. Volker Sichler of Hollister Motorcycles expressed his happinessover being represented in India under the brand, THE ESTD. He disclosed that around 90 percentHarley owners in Europe spend an average of 10,000 euros in customising their bikes besides the costof the bikes. A handmade, base model of Hollister custom bike costs roughly 30,000 euros in Germany.Hollister displayed their Custom Twin Special which sported a stretched 16 liter fuel tank with a singleseat. According to Sichler, the bike could be customised and delivered to the customers in India within6 months of order. The Custom Twin Special is likely to cost over Rs 38 lakh including the importduties.
Also on the display was a Vyrus. They are known as a small scale sports bike manufacturer whichproduces only 2 models namely 984 and 985. The maker sources engines from Ducati (a 2 valve 992 ccand a 4 valve 999 cc for 984 and 985 respectively, both mated to a 6 speed gear box). Both the modelswould be available for sales in India and are expected to cost over Rs 20 lakh. Further, the brand wouldalso represent Grinnall trikes in India which are known to be built using engines from BMW. The trikescome with the options of 2 front wheels and a rear wheel as well as 1 front wheel and 2 rear wheels.Besides the bikes, brand The ESTD would also offer select super cars such as Koenigsegg, Gumpert,Deronda and luxury yachts and boats.
Words: Amit Panday