This Needs to be Remedied Forthwith
The traffic situation is getting from bad to worse by the day and nothing is being done about it. There are no rider training schools; everyone who gets a two-wheeler licence has either learnt to ride a two-wheeler from someone in the family or a friend who himself does not have a clue about riding a bike or the traffic rules. It should be made mandatory to go through a rider training programme for three months at the very least before appearing for a proper riding test.
Simple though it may look, there is a lot to riding a two-wheeler. It is just not about knowing how to balance yourself on it, pull the clutch, select a gear, and get going on a motorcycle or, even simpler on an automatic scooter, just twist the throttle and get going. There is a lot more. The first is the dos and don’ts when you are on the road with other people. One does not change lanes at one’s own sweet will without looking in the rear-view mirror (and expecting all the traffic behind to stop). Riding down the wrong side of the road is done with such brazenness and with such impunity that it is like their birth right. If you happen to say something to them by way of a reprimand, they turn around and give you a mouthful. Traffic rules need to be implemented rigorously.
The auto-rickshaw drivers are another lot who do not give a damn for traffic rules. They are always parked at crossroads and intersections, which is a traffic offence but no one seems to care.
The traffic situation is getting out of hand to such an extent that let alone the ordinary citizens like you and me, even the traffic police are getting attacked by these hooligans.
On a heartening note, the sales of new two-wheelers seem to be gaining momentum and this is a good sign for the economy.
Aspi Bhathena
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