Hero have revealed the price of the Mavrick 440, and it starts under Rs 2 lakh, at Rs 1.99 lakh, ex-showroom. Of course, this price is for the Base variant, available only in a white shade equipped with spoke wheels (in our opinion, spoke wheels do look better on retro-themed motorcycles). The Mid variant, offered in either red or blue, comes with alloy wheels and is priced at Rs 2.14 lakh, ex-showroom. The Top variant gets machined alloy wheels and costs Rs 2.24 lakh, ex-showroom. It is offered in two different types of black.
[Read more…]CEAT Indian Supercross Racing League’s Second Round Did Not Disappoint
The race day for Indian Supercross Racing League’s second round started like the first one, with Brian Gyles absolutely dominating the proceedings in the 85-cc, two-stroke demo class, just like he did back in Pune. However, the next race was the 450-cc International and things went topsy-turvy for the premier class riders.
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